You live: “I felt a great emotion when I received the call from La Penya”

After seven seasons in the Valencia
Basket, where League won ACB Y Eurocup among other things, Guillem
do you live He says he has now recovered the illusion of the youngest player on his return to the club that saw him grow up and make his debut. In his presentation as a new player of the Joventut, the Barcelona base has said he is excited to experience this return to the club from which he left with 20 years.

“I am very happy to go home. It is the club that I am a fan of and that has always encouraged. I am very excited to start working. I have no words to define the moment in which they called me, it was a tremendous joy and we celebrated it a lot. There was nothing to think about ”, he explained do you live at the ceremony held in the Olympic from Badalona this Thursday.

Accompanied by his family and wrapped up in the press conference by those who are once again partners in the club where they were formed (Ferran Bassas and Albert Venture), do you live He has recovered the number 16 that he already wore before his departure with which he has been photographed in the Olympic. “I am looking forward to working with Carles again Duran, with Jordi Marti, with Dani Brown… and enjoy on the track again. I come with hope but also with ambition. These are the people who have helped me grow and made me debut. Carles (Duran) helped me a lot in Valencia as an assistant and then as head coach already Jordi (Martí) we spent many hours improving in training. Is something special”.

Morales, president of Joventut, and Vives, during the player's presentation.

Morales, president of Joventut, and Vives, during the player’s presentation.

Jordi Marti, the club’s sporting director, has made it clear that do you live “He is one of us” and he recalled the moments in which Joventut detected him playing with Barcelona’s Claret in training stages. President Juanan
Morales He has been “very happy to recover a player from our quarry who made his debut with us, he has had a successful career abroad and now he has decided to return to help us grow and we are excited”.

do you live He added that he comes after a prolonged stint at another great club but that he is basically the same. “It has been many years but the essence of Guillem has not changed. I have matured and I have more experience, and in Valencia I have learned a lot playing at some level in competitions such as the Euroleague or the Eurobasket. La Penya has also changed ”, he has sentenced. Asked if he had had the illusion of living this return during these years, he added that “he always exists but in Valencia he had long contracts. The illusion that in the future they would be interested in me existed because it is my club ”.

Return of do you live to the Joventut allows to compensate the quota of players trained in the house after the departure of Xabi López-Arostegui, a total of seven, the highest number among ACB clubs and one of the highest in Europe.

Paul on the fall and options with Willis

Joventut is pending to close two operations to complete its squad for the new season. The most feasible, pending only fringes, is the return of the American forward Brandon Paul who after his stages in Olympiacos, Efes and the Australian and Chinese leagues, would agree to the proposal that has been presented to him to return to the club in the who played between 2015 and 206. The other possible signing would be Derek Willis, a power forward of 2.06 and 26 years old who played this season with Happy Casa Brindisi in the Italian league. He is a versatile Native American player, with launch and penetration capacity, in which the Russian Lokomotiv Kuban has also been interested.

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