Training coaches in Senegal

The training of basketball coaches to facilitate this job opportunity is one of the objectives pursued by the project of the NGO Alkaria that, from the hand of the Catalan Federation, has been carried out during these days of the month of July in the city of Kolda, south of Senegal. The University of Barcelona, the INEFC, the Senegal Basket Federation and two Catalan clubs, the CE Maristes Montserrat de Lleida and the CB Santa Perpètua together with the respective town councils of their localities.

“In Senegal there is a very high level of women’s basketball but after playing the girls they don’t have many outings,” she explained to MD the coordinator of the solidarity program of the Federation, Vidal Sabater, who has led this activity. “We are doing these formations to achieve it. They are girls of about 19 years old and the course is validated by the Catalan and Senegalese Federation. They will receive a diploma that will certify them as techniques for training children. It is not only about teaching basketball but the values ​​associated with it such as personal growth, self-confidence and creativity ”, he added.

The NGO Alkaria works on projects through sports, initially with football in Morocco and now he also tries to open the way of basketball in Senegal where 12 young people will benefit from this promotion to try to find a job opportunity in the region.

“The conditions for training are harsh and complicated, it is very hot and the trips are endless, but the enthusiasm we have for these projects makes us even more eager to continue next year,” he explains. Sabater, who has worked on other projects in this region before and now has the support of two trainers from Alkaria.

The clubs, Saint Perpetua Y Maristes Montserrat have been in charge of collecting sports equipment for these formations (balls and shirts for the Senegalese clubs where these entrants will practice) and in the future, if the situation allows it, the entities will form a support expedition since the project has a duration of three years.

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