Ffinally an agreement was reached to end the bosses’ strike and be able to start the 2022 season of the Major Leagues after a hundred days of long negotiations, which sought to generate changes in MLB baseball.
-It has been approved the implementation of the universal designated hitter, so it will make its presentation in the National League, where it had only been seen during the pandemic-shortened season in 2020.
-The uniforms of teams in the Major Leagues may use advertising, helping to have more income to the franchises with patches on jerseys and decals on batting helmets.
-The games that have to be played in a doubleheader must be played over nine innings and not seven as was being used.
-The runner on second base rule for extra innings is annulled.
-A window 45 days for MLB to implement rule changes, among them a shot clock, at-bat ban and bigger bases in the 2023 season.
-The Playoffs will now be played by 12 teams and not by 10, changing the format of the postseason.
-Limit the number of times a player can qualify for the minor leagues in a season.