Sílvia Domínguez: “Everything that could go wrong went wrong”

The player of the Spanish team Silvia Dominguez has lamented after the defeat suffered against Russia in the last match of the Women’s Eurobasket, and that left them out of the tournament pre-Mundial, that everything that could “go wrong” in the final stretch of the crash, “went wrong”.

“We tried to be in the game until the end but we didn’t have control of the game at the last minute. It is a bad day for Spain ”, highlighted the base in the press conference after the meeting.

“It is a hard day to talk. We did a good first half, but at one point we lost control of the game and we let them come back and make easy shots. In the second half we missed easy shots and that was also a punishment for our defense, ”he added.

Dominguez He admitted that having been left out of the first six places in the championship is not “the result” they wanted, but he recalled that there have been “many conditions”. Still, the veteran game manager wanted to find a positive aspect of the championship.

“For many young players, the growth it represents is enormous because they have been on the court with important roles,” she explained.

“Many came thinking that they were going to have a different role, but they have had to take on more responsibility. I think what happened here is very big for them because they will have much more experience and have had very important minutes. For them what has happened in the Eurobasket“, he claimed.

For its part, the Russian interior Raisa musina She said she was “very proud” of her team because they defended “very well” and because of their ability to concentrate.

“We were focused throughout the game, especially in the last minute, which was very difficult and in which we made a good shot selection. I think we deserved it ”, highlighted the Russian international, who stressed that the victory was especially difficult because Spain “He played at home” and received “a lot of support” from the stands.

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