Real Madrid destroyed Granca with a historic first set

The Real
Madrid began his career in the playoffs of the Endesa League in style against the Great
Canary with an initial partial that cleared all kinds of doubts about his condition. The whites endorsed their rival a 34-11 start that left the islanders misplaced.

Those of Laso came to meet the casualties of Alberto Abalde and Felipe Reyes, after testing both positive for Covid-19. The situation endangered the meeting, as another positive would have forced it to be suspended.

However, the white squad came out overwhelmingly from the first moment and achieved a historical head start. No one had made such a huge income in a first quarter of the playoffs in the history of the Endesa League.

The 23 points of advantage that Real Madrid achieved exceed the previous mark, also of the merengue club, which had a date of 2015 when Laso’s began 31-10 against Barcelona in the second game of the league finals that season.

The spectacular thing about the machada was that the match began with a few minutes of equality (the scoreboard indicated 12-11 after four minutes) but Madrid chained a partial of 22-0 from a devastating defense. He scored 9 of 11 on shots of two and 4 of 5 on triples to put the ground in the middle and never look back.

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