Andre Petkovic, who faced and lost to Garbiñe Muguruza on Wednesday in the second round of the US Open, raved about the Spaniard in a post he posted on Instagram. The German, a good friend of the Spanish, with whom she has often shared training sessions, gave a testimony of admiration and affection that is a source of pride for the player and for Spanish tennis.
“Women like Garbiñe make me love this sport, this type of competition and the people who practice it even more. She is strong, she excels when faced with challenges and obstacles., and brings great intensity in training and in games. That’s why I love to play and train with her, I learn a lot every time (even though I’m older, hahaha, learn from the young!). But the best part is that once we get off the court, those things stay there. I think that’s what healthy competition is all about. I will continue learning from Garbiñe. And of all the other tough women on tour, “Petkovic wrote.
She also joked in a very sympathetic tone about why she is still in such good shape (she is a very athletic tennis player) at her age. “I’m 33 now (I’ll be 34 in September, put it on your calendars 🤪) and I feel very lucky that my body still allows me to perform on the biggest stages. It’s German beer, guys 🍻. It keeps you healthy and functioning (hey, we’re not all scientists these days!). I’ll be right back, I have to work harder. “Bye”.