Pedro Acosta, a 17-year-old young pilot from Mazarron who is the current outstanding leader of the World Moto3, has announced its jump to Moto2 ahead of next season and has been “very happy” to continue his progression as a member of the team Red Bull KTM Ajo Team.
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“I am very happy to announce that I will jump into Moto2 with @RedBull_KTM_Ajo for 2022! Let’s finish this incredible season in Moto3 first as best we can. Thanks to my family, team, sponsors for all their support! “, Said the Murcian rider.
Im super happy to announce Im jumping to Moto2 with @RedBull_KTM_Ajo for 2022! Let’s first finish this amazing season in Moto3 as best as we can 💪 Thanks to my family, team, sponsors for all your support!
– Pedro Acosta (@ 37_pedroacosta) September 7, 2021
Acosta, who debuts this year at the World Cup, commands in the third category with a great advantage over the second classified as he has 201 points and has an income of 46 over the also Spanish Sergio García Dols, from Valencia, and 69 with respect to the Italian Romano Fenati, who are second and third.
After 12 races in Moto3, of which the one from Puerto de Mazarrón has won five and has been on the podium in another in which he was second, he has six grands prix ahead in which he will try to reach the title. The next appointment will be this coming weekend at the Motorland Aragón circuit, in the Teruel town of Alcañiz.
There Acosta will perform already knowing that next year he will compete in Moto2 sharing a team with the Mallorcan. Augusto Fernandez, who has been in the second category for five years, as the KTM team has indicated in a statement.
After the announcement was made, the Murcian has said that it is the step he has to take, “the correct one” and has acknowledged that he has “more things to learn.” What’s more, has considered “an advantage” to continue in the same team, which is “helping a lot” in his World Cup debut.