Messi’s ankle blood is reminiscent of Curt Schilling and the Red Sox in 2004

The bloody ankles of Messi and Schilling.

Rit was the 49th minute of the Copa América semifinal when The Colombian, Frank Fabra, entered Lionel Messi’s left ankle with excessive force, who after a few minutes lying on the lawn of the Mané Garrincha National Stadium, was able to continue, but with the bloody sock.

See Messi play With a notable injury, he remembers when the Boston Red Sox pitcher, Curt Schilling, did his thing, while his right ankle was bleeding, in Game 6 for the American Conference against the Yankees in 2004.

This October 19 will be the 17th anniversary of this memorable match, the result of the game could have only been the outcome of an important match, but it ended up being more than that.

Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling had suffered a torn lateral peroneus brevis tendon in his right leg days earlier, causing the loose tendon to contact the bone, causing pain and swelling.

Curt was intervened by Willie Morgan, the Red Sox doctor, and Suture clips were placed to secure the torn tendon to the cartilage.

Less than a day later, Schilling was playing Game 6 at Yankee Stadium.

The Red Sox were 0-3 in the series that would define the American conference champion, so Yankees fans already felt his presence at the World Series.

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