The MLB extended the deadline to save March 31 as Opening Day of a season of 162 days until Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. after a marathon of 13 meetings in 16 and a half hours that made progress towards an agreement, although both parties were still far apart.
The players and the Major Leagues began their eighth consecutive day of negotiations at 10:00 a.m. on Monday and suspended it until 02:30 a.m. They agreed to resume the dialogue at 11:00, which will leave them just six hours to reach an agreement that ends the bosses’ strike in its 90th day.
MLB Commissioner, Rob Manfredhad said that the Monday was the last day to close a deal that would leave a minimum time for spring training for the regular season to start on schedule. The players pointed out that they did not necessarily agree with that calendar and when the recess was agreed, the MLB offered the new term.
“We want to exhaust all the possibilities to reach an agreement”said a spokesman for Major League Baseball.
The players’ association had planned to analyze the latest proposals and prepare a response by the time negotiations resume. The union planned to return to Roger Dean Stadium, the now-empty spring training complex of the Miami Marlins and St. Louis Cardinals, at 10:00 to check your posture.
The parties agreed, subject to the general agreement, expand postseason from 10 to 12 teamsinstead of the 14 proposed by the MLB.
As for the central issue, the economy, continued to seek an agreement. The proposals of the majors included:
-Raise the threshold of luxury tax from 210 to 220 million this year.