Llull sees France as “a good test” to measure the level before Tokyo

The player of the Spanish basketball team Sergio Llull considers that this Thursday’s friendly match in Malaga against France (7.30 pm), the third preparatory of the Olympic Games, it will be “a good test” to measure the competitive level of Spain facing Tokyo 2020 given the entity of the rival.

After the second training session in the Martín Carpena pavilion in the Malaga capital, where the team he directs Sergio Scariolo arrived on Tuesday, the international Real Madrid He stressed this Wednesday that the team is exercising “with intensity” and “very concentrated, with a very good line of work.”

Llull, who can play as a point guard or as a guard, qualified France as a “very physical and athletic” rival, who “will make things very difficult for them,” he said in statements provided by the Spanish Basketball Federation.

Spain He arrives undefeated in this third friendly preparation for the Olympic Games after the “contact” that, according to the Menorcan player, represented the first two disputed against Iran and ended with two wins for the national team.

The Mahón escort assured, however, that they now foresee a very different scenario before the first of their double duel against the French, who will be measured this Thursday in Malaga and next Saturday in Paris, before Spain closes its matches preparatory the Sunday 18th before the USA In Las Vegas.

Sergio Llull He warned that mastering the rebound and the movement of the ball will be key to achieving victory against the French team, a rival against which more than 2,000 spectators will be able to attend Martín Carpena.

At the Tokyo Games, the team led by Scariolo will debut on July 26 against Japan and then he will play against Argentina Y Slovenia.

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