Katsikaris (Unicaja): “We need consistency for 40 minutes”

The technician of the Unicaja, the greek Fotis Katsikaris, has stated this Friday that to win on Sunday at TD Systems Baskonia on the Endesa League they need consistency in their game “during the 40 minutes” of the game.

“It is difficult but the team is showing its virtues, which has quality,” said the Greek coach at a press conference, who recalled that at moments of the matches they defend “well”, they play “hard” and there is “good communication”, although there are phases in which they disconnect “and the Baskonia it is a team that punishes any mistake. “

After the last defeat against him MoraBanc Andorra, which complicates the qualification for the title phase, the victory against the Vitoria team is vital, although the rival “has a lot of physique, a lot of speed” and also “scores a lot of points in counterattack”.

“We have to defend well, in addition to controlling the rebound because the situation is complicated and the only thing that matters is to win at Baskonia and then we’ll see, there are options, “he considered.

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