Illusion in the Obradoiro for the return of the public

Moncho Fernandez, coach of Monbus Obradoiro, celebrates the return of the public to the matches of the League
Endesa in the Multipurpose Fontes do Sar, where his team will close the regular league at home on Wednesday against the UCAM Murcia.

“Although they are not the usual conditions, tomorrow will be a different match because we have been playing with an empty court for more than a year, so I think there will be a lot of emotions at the beginning. It will be a special game, “said the Santiago coach at a press conference.

Fernandez He is “looking forward” to seeing the fans in the stands, and he is confident that this first step – there will be limited capacity by the protocol set by the health authorities – is “the beginning of the new normal.”

“It is fantastic that we can have an audience in our last home game, but not only for the sporting issue but for all that it means, that it is a green outbreak that we are beginning to overcome this pandemic,” he stressed.

Although his team is already assured of their permanence in the League
Endesa, the preparer of the Obradoiro He indicated: “We have two games left and we are going to face them with all the illusion, we are not going to let go.”

Moncho Fernández praised the UCAM Murcia, a team with a “very defined” style of play that feels comfortable playing “at a high pace” because it is very dangerous on the counterattack.

“He has been very punished for the injuries of important players, and they have had to incorporate other players to assume that role. It is very difficult to judge any team that has passed the COVID without doing it under the prism of the coronavirus because it affects day-to-day, physical appearance and mood ”, he commented.

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