81-77: Spain falls to Canada in the quarterfinals of the U19 World Cup

The dream of the Spanish Under-19 team faded in the quarter-finals. The boys he prepares Javier
Zamora they were overtaken by Canada 81-77 in a very close match that was decided in the final moments. Canada will now face the winner of Senegal-United States in the semifinals of this championship that is being played in Riga, capital of Latvia. Spain will now fight for fifth place.

Houstan, with 25 points and a key layup in the final minute to raise the income of the Canadians, and Zach
Edey, with 24 goals, they were the offensive props of the Canadian team, with more physical resources and volume than the Spanish.

For Spain they put up resistance Ruben
Dominguez (21 points and 5 assists) and Millan
Jimenez (17 points and 9 rebounds).

The domain of the rebound (51 captures of Canada, ten more than Spain) was important for their victory since the North Americans only wrote down one of the 16 tried triples. The partial of the last five minutes was 9-5, breaking the equality existing until then.

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