74-76: Perfumerías Avenida wins in Valencia and forces the third and final game for the title

The Salamanca Avenue Perfume Shops won this Sunday at home at Valencia Basket (74-76) and forced the third and final match of the Women’s League final, so the title will be decided next Thursday on the Salamanca track.

The first match, played four days ago in Salamanca, ended with a victory in extra time for the Valencian team (64-67), which in the event of a victory in the second would have been proclaimed champion in its Fonteta pavilion.

Both that game and that of this Sunday have been marked by the equality between both teams, but the American Katie samuelson She was decisive by appearing in the second quarter to rescue her team when she seemed to falter in faith and arguments and with a triple with just thirty seconds to go she stifled the comeback attempt that the young woman Rachel Carrera led for the locals.

In a strange environment to resemble normal, with 1,500 spectators in the stands pushing the locals, the Valencia he started willing to outwit the nerves with intensity and take advantage of the unexpected scoring appearance of the interior Marie Gülich. As the direction of Silvia Dominguez it was not enough to compensate, Roberto Íñiguez stopped the game (17-8, m.5).

The Salamanca team managed to escape from that spiral with more harshness behind and the continuations of Bella Alarie but the points of Gülich Y Celeste Trahan-Davis under the hoops they calmed Valencia and the vertical direction of Cristina Ouviña He returned the initiative and the rent.

Just the momentum of Tiffany hayes and the excellent visitor work on the offensive rebound prevented the clash from breaking (33-24, m.14).

It was Katie samuelson the one that rescued the charro team with her open shots but also with her penetrations. With nine points almost in a row he led a 4-15 partial that turned the scoreboard and the sensations around before the break, something that reinforced a distant triple from Silvia Dominguez on the horn (39-42, m.20).

The tension marked the return to the game. The mistakes and blows multiplied and in that scenario of fewer points, the Salamanca team, accurate from the free throw line and with good minutes of Leo Rodriguez, stood firm despite the scoring appearance of Bec allen.

It was the irruption of Rachel Carrera the one that made the course of the crash change again. He scored, assisted, blocked and blocked to equalize everything before the last quarter (56-56, m.30).

The experience of Silvia Dominguez and the bravery of There is the visitors but a couple of wide shots and the continuous contribution of Race they forced a tight finish (67-67, m.39).

A basket of Nikolina milic put ahead the Perfumeries before a Valencia very tired and a triplet of Katie samuelson almost on the horn of possession finished decanting a shock, which Silvia Dominguez he tied from the free throw line, a facet that ended up being key.

Data sheet:

74.- Valencia Basket (23 + 16 + 17 + 18): Ouviña (7), Casas (13), Allen (10), Trahan-Davis (10), Gülich (14) -five starter- Gómez (-), Romero (6), Juskaite (-), Carrera (14) and Pina (-).

76.- Perfumerías Avenida (18 + 24 + 14 + 20): Domínguez (12), Karlie Samuelson (-), Hayes (12), Katie Samuelson (18), Hof (8) -five owner- Rodríguez (8), Cazorla (2), Vilaró (-), Milic (8), Alarie (8).

Referees: Lucas de Lucas, Langa and Checa. Without eliminated.

Incidents: second game of the final of the Women’s League played in the pavilion of the Fuente de San Luis before 1,500 spectators, the maximum capacity allowed with the new sanitary restrictions of the covid-19

The game was attended, among others, by Ximo Puig, president of the Generalitat, and Jorge Garbajosa, president of the Spanish Basketball Federation.

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